Thursday, May 5, 2022

AD&D Session 3 - Dungeon & Dragon

The player of the paladin decided to condemn his character to the laundry realm as he left his character sheet in the washing. He rolled up a disgustingly offensive chaotic evil dwarf fighter with 3 18's (including 18/93 strength), 1-2 16's and psionics which I had no idea how to run. He was named Edward Hallows after the real world Anglo-Saxon juggernaut. 

He was recruited by Fabio the magic-user and Zamzibal the thief from the first session.

Emboldened by stories of high risk high reward dungeon delving thanks to the party from Session 1, more mercenaries flooded Blackbird where the party was more than happy to spend 2 days recruiting. Deciding to reward their success from the Chainmail battle, I allowed two rolls per day spent searching on the man-at-arms table (DMG p30) to reflect the increase in available mercs. I thought it was a neat way to reward victory and the passage of time, let me know if you disagree.

With 15 heavy foot and 5 crossbowmen, they forayed into the dungeon, with no encounters on the 2 day trek there. I immediately thought of a way to punish such a large expedition.

Luckily, the first random encounter were also dwarves, stumbled upon in the ruined court room where the Chainmail battle took place. Edward smooth-talked some info out of them, namely that there were two stairs down, one going down "at a steeper angle than the other", meaning one goes down one level, the other two levels.

Eventually the circus party reached the 2nd level via an elevator, missing out on some cunningly disguised treasure along the way. They reached a stream 30' wide, which was filled with a "tar coloured substance". The first instinct of the PCs was to stick a lit torch in there, promptly lighting the stream ablaze.

After much deliberation and thanks to a fairly high ceiling, the party used some iron spikes as makeshift steps in a bell curve shape above the fire. It took some time and they were lucky no other monsters arrived, but everyone made it across. After a left 135 degree turn, the stream continued (flowing east-west) but only at 10' wide in this passage. Repeating their procedure, they crossed this one more quickly.

Down the passage a door on the right to a room contained 2 shriekers. As the party set up outside the door, listening, I deemed it impossible that neither shrieker would be unable to hear the ~20 men outside and began shrieking.

I designated this level as a hobgoblin patrol area and sure enough 2d4 = 5, of which 20% (I rolled for each, 2 in this case) had bows. They could only have come from the direction the party was heading and the lights of the PCs were dead giveaways. Two shots later and one dead mercenary later, the hobgoblins got surprise and fled easily. The shriekers continued but were soon cut down.

The party continued down the passage reaching one then two X shaped intersections, eventually reaching a door which they opened. Inside was a very young white dragon's throat, which heard the storm of armour outside and was prepared, breathing damage onto most of the ~20 strong expedition. Google suggested the damage to be equal to HP, so a small (MM 29) very young white dragon (MM 34) did 5 damage per breath and 2 on a successful save. This meant a chunk of heavy foot were dead, the others injured, and the party hurt.

The dragon surprised the party for 2 segments, breathing twice more, leaving two PCs very injured and one critically so, but nonetheless alive and 12 or so heavy foot dead. The remaining mercenaries miserably failed their morale check and fled in a panic, where the hobgoblins were unable to miss the sight or sound of scattered men running away. All were butchered.

White dragons are the leading cause of heart attacks in my campaign.

Initiative was rolled, both sides rolling a 3. The magic-user's magic missile, dwarf's strength, and thief's dagger were enough to fell the dragon but the magic-user dropped to 0 too. Soon stabilised, the party rushed inside and waited for a hobgoblin reaction. None came, assuming the party dead with their man-at-arms.

The magic-user was in a coma for 10 minutes while the party hacked up scales, teeth, the tail, and the horns. In addition, 1000cp and a +2 shield was inside. The dwarf's absurd strength was enough to carry this and the magic-user, albeit at 3". 40 minutes after the dragon's death, the party cautiously left, the magic-user fireman carried by the dwarf. They relied on the dwarf's infravision. The way back to the stream of fire was a perfectly straight southwest-northeast passage. I rolled an encounter as they left and you guessed it, more hobgoblins. Since so much time had passed, only 1d4 = 2 were here, picking up loot from the crossbowmen right next to the stream of fire.

With (un)lucky dice rolls to finish looting, the hobgoblins didn't see the party until they were charged by the desperate Edward and Zamzibal. Rolling for hobgoblin equipment, two shortswords and morning stars meant the dwarf went first. One was cut down while the other reciprocated vs the thief, dropping him to exactly 0, leaving a 1v1. A tense 2 minutes of sparring led to a dwarf victory with 2HP to spare.

Eventually, they escaped, very luckily without meeting any wandering monsters on the first level. Out of the dungeon but into the woods outside, it was 16 hours march to the nearest town. Thanks to STRICT Time Records, it was 2pm outside so around 4 hours of daylight left. The dwarf marched for 4 hours, no encounter, and set up in a tree along with his two companions and their magical loot. Very not chaotic evil...  Anyway some very tense rolls in the open later and the safety of the town was reached.

They decided to sell the +2 shield for 5000gp, which I awarded 1:1 XP as it seemed apt. I only awarded 3:2 XP for the sale of dragon parts because it seemed like a good compromise. Let me know if this seems wrong. Everyone had enough XP to level but only the dwarf had enough money to do so. 16 days were required for everyone to heal to full.

This party will probably gain a reputation for successfully leading only 20% of hires out alive across two delves.

As an aside, the party had to make a fantastic decision I have no doubt Gygax fully intended: Do we sell the +2 shield or keep it? It improves someone's AC by 3 and we get 500 XP, but we could sell it for 5000GP (minus fees) and get 5000/3 = 1667XP each. It was about as much fun to watch the players make this difficult decision as it was to watch them fight the final hobgoblin before their escape. 


30/04/2022: Day 22 - Party spends two days in Blackbird recruiting 20 mercenaries for re-entering their dungeon.

Day 24 - Party spends 2 days travelling northwest to dungeon. No encounters.

Day 25 - Party enters dungeon, losing all mercs and Fabio the magic-user falls in a coma. 

Day 27 - Edward Hallows drags two PCs and loot to the town of Grove.

21/05/2022: Day 43 - Everyone finishes resting.

Edward Hallows the Fighter (Veteran 1 --> Warrior 2). HP: ?

Zamzibal the Thief (Cutpurse 3 - XP CAPPED). HP: 17

Fabio the Magic-user (Evoker 2 - XP CAPPED). HP: 11 


20 heavy foot (pikemen)

Another 7 heavy foot

Samir al-Haid the Cleric

Zarkaos the Assassin

15 heavy foot (this session)

5 crossbowmen (this session)

Monday, May 2, 2022

AD&D Session 2 - Trip to Ikea

The session started with the players deciding to roll up a new party as the thief was still levelling up to level 3. We were playing on a different day than last session so the level-up duration didn't line up like they usually would. We ended up with an assassin, a bard, and a cleric (Samir al-Haid).

They started in a town near Blackbird and were hired to escort a caravan to the main city the next day along with 4 other guards. No encounters along the way, but a city encounter revealed 11 ruffians including 1 level 6 assassin nearby.

A narrow road, split up guards, and surprise led to a couple of dead guards and the party surrounded. Samir al-Haid was killed in the fighting, unable to spread the word of Allah. The assassin and bard made a speedy exit, leaving the caravans to be ransacked.

Samir al-Haid was tragically killed before he could spread his god's word

The two remaining party members decided to find leads elsewhere while the 3rd rolled up a magic-user. The bard did nothing while the assassin tried to find his guild in the city. After 7 days of searching, he found them and was assigned a simple spying mission lasting 8 days. Just barely earning enough to scrape by, the 3 decided to try the dungeon 2 days to the southwest of the city, with around 12 man-at-arms in tow.

A random encounter revealed a small gnoll party of 8 who attempted to quietly pick off the two sentries, but failed. After the gnolls tried to charge the sleeping party, a quick rally despite the lack of armour soon turned the way of the humans, killing all but 2 gnolls and losing 1 man-at-arms

I decided the gnolls would return with a significantly larger band to snuff out the party the next evening, as they camped near the Viking village. It turned out there was another night encounter, and who else could it be but a Viking patrol?

I rolled some dice and the Viking patrol's lights attracted the gnolls, who decided this was probably the party and attacked. 23 gnolls + leader vs 14 Vikings + leader led to a one-sided fight, were not the party nearby. As they barrelled into the back of the gnolls, they managed to kill all but the leader + one. There were casualties, only 4 heavy foot and 1 crossbowman remained.

A reaction roll headed by the group's face, the bard, plus the circumstances meant the Vikings were very pleased to see the party. The party, safe in the Viking village, looked for something to do. It turns out that the Viking chief wanted a tribesman chief nearby dead for previous grievances and commissioned the party to kill him. It had to be at least somewhat discreet, to ensure nominal non-hostile relations could continue. As an aside, one of the 4 heavy foot rolled a 100 on his reaction roll to the Vikings, so he chose to assimilate to the Scandinavian lifestyle and marry one of their women. 

Viking chief Ingvar cares very much for his people.

The party was desperate for something to do so seeing as an assassin was present, I assigned a percentage chance for Ingvar to want the nearest notable NPC, a tribesman chief, dead. After the dice agreed, the party harvested some poison with the help of an undercleric (aka shaman). I really should've made this harder to handle since poison is such a maligned topic in the DMG, requiring special training, time, and payments through the nose. Just like that, the party was off to assassinate a tribesman chief with 3 Viking scouts as guides.

Since the tribesman were in a swampy wetlands area to the northwest of the Viking village, the plan was to light a fire to the west of the tribesman houses at pre-dawn, which were protected by a log palisades. After narrowly avoiding a patrol on their way there, the party got started lighting a fire. Dice indicated another patrol coming (very unlucky) from the west, so the party scattered. The patrol didn't notice any tracks, fortunately.

They decided to try the same from the northwest side, 1-2km from the walls. A fire was soon blazing and the wind declared it moving to the south, potentially threatening the tribe. At the same time, they rushed to the east and the assassin scaled the walls from this direction.

He eventually reached the chief's hut after nearly being caught twice, leaving two corpses. Finally, he entered the chief's house after seeing him leave through the front door. He sprinkled poison into some food he found then got into position above his doorframe and waited about 40 minutes before the chief returned.

As the chief came in, the assassin got a 70 on his d100 so he failed to roll the 35% needed for instant assassination, but managed to hit nonetheless. The following brawl meant the level 5 fighter chief killed the PC, but he was left on 2hp. When he went to go eat a well-earned meal, the resulting poison was enough to finish the job. Over the next 3 days, the party found out about the death and received their reward.

They rested for 5 days then returned to Blackbird, where they nearly got killed by a giant skunk that ambushed them. One useless skunk pelt later, the two surviving PCs reached Blackbird.

Forgot the exact XP and gold. Should keep better track of this stuff.


Day 15 - Bard, Samir al-Haid (cleric), and Zarkaos (assassin) secure a contract at the town of Grove to escort 3 carts to Blackbird.

Day 16 - The party is ambushed and loses Samir al-Haid (RIP). The assassin begins searching for the assassins guild in Blackbird.

Day 23 - The assassins guild is found and Zarkaos joins, agreeing to give a portion of his earnings relating to assassinations and spying to the guild. He is assigned a simple spying mission.

Day 31 - Zarkaos fails his spying mission (unknown to him) and the party begins travelling southwest.

Day 32 - Ambushed by gnolls

Day 33 - Gnolls return and mistakenly attack Vikings, party flanks and crushes gnolls, earning Viking respect. They rest for 4 days, departing to assassinate on the 5th day of arrival.

Day 38 - The chief is assassinated.

Day 41 - News of the chief's assassination reaches the Vikings and the party, who leave for Blackbird having made new friends.

Day 42 - Ambushed by skunk

Day 43 - Arrive at Blackbird and rest for 5 days.

Day 48 - Rested.


20 heavy foot (pikemen)

Another 7 heavy foot

Samir al-Haid the Cleric

Zarkaos the Assassin

AD&D Session 4 - Orcean's Eleven

Today's contestants are Edward Hallows the CE crackhead raid-boss dwarf fighter (level 2) with 18/93 strength, Zamzibal the OG thief (le...